The little girl inside me

listening to Calming meditation music, incense and painting

Everything I create is based on the innocence and beauty of children, friendship and the bonding between them and the little gestures that makes them special. 

That little girl inside me inspires me to stay true to what is really important even when the adult part of myself says leave her in the dark, you don't need her, you are all grown up. But I stick by her every minute she keep my fire burning. She is the one who keeps me strong and on my toes even when I feel like giving up sometimes. I rise above it and listen to her.

An important note - The photo below this message - When we grow up sometimes the world makes us rigid, makes us feel that type of friendship doesn't exist and it does. But fear gets in the way, our past experiences gets in the way also. A lot of children grow up in dysfunctional families where kids get confused angry sad unloved. Emotionally their feelings get all messed up and they have to pay the price from parents who don't take the time to take care of themselves emotionally. Some get medicated because some parents don't know what to do with them. And some kids end up doing horrible things. It's sad really! And yes we live in a world where we need to protect our selves. But there is always room always for kindness, for beauty. love and unity keeps us alive and well. Speak loud and don't worry what other's might think of you because at the end it doesn't matter, you matter 


  1. I LOVE this post! How did I miss it? Anyway, yes yes YES! listen to that little girl. Sometimes I feel like I need to force myself to produce "cool" and "edgy" Art and I always come back to creating what I love, which tends to be more child-like or cute. And I'm ok with that.


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